Begin Your Journey to PCS Recovery Here

Does this sound like your story?

“Life was good. I was successful; always moving forward in my professional and personal lives. Then everything changed. My head got shaken up. At first, it was a shock. I felt off, tired, a little muzzy headed, but it didn’t go away. My doctor let me know – ‘You have a concussion. Rest and it should be better in a couple weeks or so.’

Now, much more than a couple weeks later, everything is worse. I have a list of symptoms as long as my arm. I can barely work. I can barely function. I get overwhelmed and my family life is suffering. They don’t understand and I don’t know what to do. No one seems to be able to help.”

If you feel like this could be you, you are in the right place. Once, it was me.

Changing Post-Concussion Syndrome Treatment so You Can Change Your Life

If you are like most of our patients, you’ve seen many practitioners, tried many therapies and used all the emotional, cognitive and financial resources you can muster to try to heal.

It’s obvious to you that the Rest and Return prescription did not work for you , but why haven’t other therapies helped?

Well, they may have a little, or at least could if they were part of a more complete plan. Sadly, there are no silver bullets for PCS. One size rarely fits anyone. While there may be overlap, every person with PCS is unique in both symptoms and how they are created.

Nevertheless, there is a path to wellness for you and we are here to guide you.

How to use this site

There are two steps:

  1. Learn
  2. Do

Learning about Post-Concussion Syndrome

As difficult as it is to research and study with PCS, you want to be an informed patient. This is particularly true when you feel like your doctors simply are not understanding your problems.

We would like you to have a basic understanding of the True Brain approach before we decide to work with each other.

Start by downloading our free eBook. Be advised; it’s called an eBook, but it’s not that long. Everything we write is with the PCS patient in mind. We make it as short and simple as possible.

This book focuses on brain inflammation, what we believe to be the primary driving force of Post-Concussion Syndrome.

Just put your name and email address in the form on the top right, or bottom if your on mobile, and you’ll receive your copy. Don’t worry your email will not be shared.

Once you’ve read the eBook, check out some of the articles on this site. You will start to see the relationships between the many organ systems of the body,  lifestyle choices, brain inflammation and PCS symptoms.

Taking Action

If you’re confident we are a good fit, we welcome you to start working with us! Please let us know if you would like Dr. Smith to help you make a personalized recovery plan or if you’d like a plan and ongoing guidance to execute the plan on our Request Help page. Either way, we are honored to help you on your journey to your True Brain.

Dr. Jonathan B. Smith, DC, CSCP

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